Table of content:
- How to create object
- How to access object properties
- How to clone objects in js
- Property descriptors
- Immutability
- Object.prototype
- How does properties assignment work
- How to check object property existence
- Constructors
- Prototypal inheritance
- Introspection in js
How to create object
There’re two ways: literal form and constructed:
// literal form
var obj1 = { foo: 'bar' }
// constructed form
var obj2 = new Object() = 'bar'
How to access object properties
You have to use either the .
operator or the [ ]
var obj = { foo: 'bar' }
console.log( // 'bar'
console.log(obj['foo']) // 'bar'
[ ]
operator can take any UTF-8 string as the property name:
var obj = {}
obj['foo bar'] = 'baz'
console.log(obj) // { foo bar: 'baz' }
Property name is always a string, so name you passed as property name will be coerce to string:
var obj = {}
obj[1] = 'foo'
obj[1] === obj['1'] // true
And a little more intresting example:
var a = {}, b = {}, c = {}
b[a] = 1
console.log(b[b]) // 2
console.log(b) // { [object Object]: 2 }
Note: ES6 offers compound property names:
var foo = 'bar'
var obj = {
[foo + 'Prop']: 'baz',
console.log(obj) // { barProp: 'baz' }
How to clone objects in js
The esiest, but slow way (that works only with JSON-safe items) - serialize/deserialize object using built-in methods:
const obj = {
string: 'string',
number: 123,
bool: false,
nul: null,
date: new Date(), // date.toISOString()
undef: undefined, // lost
inf: Infinity, // 'null'
re: /.*/, // {}
const newObj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj))
ES6 offers more elegant solutions but only for shallow clone: Object.assign(..) and spread operator.
For deep cloning, you have to implement your custom solution, with a recursive copy of inner properties.
Property descriptors
ES5 offers Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor
to get a property descriptor:
var obj = { foo: 'bar' }
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, 'foo')
value: 'bar',
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
The opposite method for gettiing a property descriptor is Object.defineProperty(..)
Object.defineProperty(obj, 'foo', {
value: 'bar',
writable: true,
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
Let’s examine each property descriptor item closer:
- ability to change the value of a property
- returns TypeError for any value changes in strict mode
- ability to change property descriptor with Object.defineProperty(..) method
- returns TypeError for any calls of Object.defineProperty(..), regardless of strict mode (the only writable can be changed from true to false without error)
- prevents the ability to use the delete operator (silently)
- ability to show the property during object properties enumeration (like
constant property
If you want to make a constant property (cannot be changed, redefined or deleted) you can combine writable:false
and configurable:false
prevent extensions
disable the ability to add new properties to object and returns TypeError for any extensions in strict mode.
Creates a “sealed” object. (Object.preventExtensions(..)
+ configurable:false
for each property).
Creates a “frozen” object. (Object.seal(..)
+ writable:false
for each property).
Objects in JavaScript can be easily linked using prototype
property as a bridge between them. When you’re getting access to the object property, the property is searched at this object and if it’s absence, the searching goes further by prototypes chain.
How to create link to another object
You can use Object.create(..)
from ES5
that creates a new object linked to the passed argument via prototype
var parentObj = { foo: 'bar' }
var obj = Object.create(parentObj)
console.log( // 'bar'
Or you can modify existing prototype using Object.setPrototypeOf
from ES6
var parentObj = { foo: 'bar' }
var obj = { baz: 'baz' }
Object.setPrototypeOf(obj, parentObj)
console.log( // 'bar'
How to get object prototype
returns object propotype:
var parentObj = { foo: 'bar' }
var obj = Object.create(parentObj)
Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === parentObj // true
How does properties assignment work
There are 3 cases of setting properties (using =
assignment) due to property existence with the same name on [[Prototype]] chain:
- property is found higher on [[Prototype]] chain and that property has attribute
, then new property adds directly to the object as expected. - property is found higher on [[Prototype]] chain, and that property has attribute
, then setting ignores (with throwing TypeError instrict mode
'use strict'
var parentObj = {}
Object.defineProperty(parentObj, 'foo', {
value: 'bar',
writable: false,
var obj = Object.create(parentObj) = 'new value' // TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'foo'
- property is found higher on the [[Prototype]] chain and it’s a setter, then the setter will be called.
Note: you can use Object.defineProperty(..) instead of =
assignment to directly setting a property.
How to check object property existence
For checking if object has a certain property you can use:
operator (checks existence on [[Prototype]] chain).Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty
(checks existence only inside target object).
When you call a function with a new
keyword you perform constructor call. So, the function will create a new object that linked to the function prototype.
Each function has a prototype property, that by default includes a link to that function named constructor.
Also, you can add custom properties that will available for constructor instances:
function Foo(name) { = name
Foo.prototype.output = function() {
var foo = new Foo('bar')
foo.output() // 'bar'
Prototypal inheritance
To implement prototypal inheritance you have to link consturctors:
ChildFn.prototype = Object.create(ParentFn.prototype)
// or
Object.setPrototypeOf(ChildFn.prototype, ParentFn.prototype)
function ParentFn(foo) { = foo
ParentFn.prototype.output = function () {
function ChildFn(foo, bar) {, foo) = bar
Object.setPrototypeOf(ChildFn.prototype, ParentFn.prototype)
var child = new ChildFn('foo', 'bar')
child.output() // { foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar' }
Introspection in js
There are a few ways to examinate objects:
- operator
takes object as left operand, constructor as right and checks if constructor prototype is detected somewhere on object [[Prototype]] chain:
function Foo () {}
var foo = new Foo()
foo instanceof Foo // true
foo instanceof Object // true
checks if object is detected somewhere on argument object [[Prototype]] chain:
function Foo () {}
var foo = new Foo()
Foo.prototype.isPrototypeOf(foo) // true
As you can guess, with Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf(..)
we can check if two object are linked:
var parentFoo = {}
var childFoo = Object.create(parentFoo)
parentFoo.isPrototypeOf(childFoo) // true
- Also, we can directly retrieve the [[Prototype]] of an object with
function ParentFn(foo) {}
function ChildFn(bar) {}
ChildFn.prototype = Object.create(ParentFn.prototype)
Object.getPrototypeOf(ChildFn.prototype) === ParentFn.prototype // true